Lucky North — The north’s specialist PR agency

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7 top PR trends for 2023

What’s new in PR? Here’s what we think will be top of everyone’s agendas.

Whenever we think about the world of PR, it’s important to remember it’s just one piece of a much bigger picture. In the UK, that looks like an ongoing recession, increased digital development and quite a weird time for employment.

So how does PR fit in, and what will change in 2023? Here’s what we think at Lucky North:

  1. Journalists (our PR besties) have been part of the Great Resignation, like many industries. This means overall, there are fewer people working in these roles now. The media is short staffed and stretched for time. Your ‘ready to publish’ PR piece just got much more appealing.

    Tip: Don’t offer press release segments or summaries, but go all in with your content and who knows what incredible coverage you could land.

  2. While we’re talking about journalists – more of them are working for publications behind paywalls. That means more demand for something special from their readers. Nobody wants to pay for content they can find for free elsewhere, so the same press release issued to every national has less appeal. Provide an opportunity for an exclusive and tell your target media why they’re perfect for it and you’ll see ears prick up.

  3. A new year means a new round of birthdays for everyone, but the group we should all be paying attention to is Gen Z. The older end of this age group is now coming into their late 20s, meaning bigger buying power and consumer influence. Pay attention to them with your consumer content and you’ll see a whole new audience available to you.

  4. There’s no denying that digital is still growing, but what’s been missing from a lot of digital marketing is PR. (We highlight precisely why digital gets a lot more powerful when you combine the two here.) Digital marketers are increasingly including PR in to create a powerful marketing matrix. Partnering with core PR agencies like ours is an incredibly easy way to leverage everyone’s speciality – we’re always available for a chat and a cuppa to help you explore your options!

  5. Social consciousness has been high on brands’ agendas for the last few years, but there’s no slowing it down. Expect bigger and better examples of diversity and inclusivity in PR campaigns in 2023.

  6. Have you noticed your attention span shrinking? The rise of TikTok and short video content has decreased the length of all types of media we want to consume. Press releases need to be short, snappy, and get your vital messages across ASAP to resonate. A great way to achieve this is using infographics and audio or video content alongside your press images.

  7. Lastly, we’re finally feeling like we’re in a post-Covid world, and in-person events are back. Where 2022 was about testing the waters, 2023 is going to be BIG for events, networking and sharing tables with our media friends again, and we can’t wait.

If 2023 is the year you up your PR game, but you’re not sure what your options are, talk to us – we have four package options with everything from a toe-dip to full evergreen campaigning. Send us a message here.

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