Lucky North — The north’s specialist PR agency

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An autumn update

Is it really October already? Faster than you can say ‘pumpkin spice’, summer has vanished and left us with the chance to reflect on all that happened over the last few months. It’s time for a catch up...

A new home

If you blinked and missed it, we moved offices this summer. The team has expanded a lot recently, thanks to the amazing clients we’re working with (more on them further down!), but more work and a bigger team called for more space. We’re now the even luckier Lucky North, residents of a gorgeous office a stone’s throw from Leeds train station and our favourite places to grab lunch. We’ve got big windows, an even bigger Lucky North PR mural on the wall and the best coffee in the building. Let us know if you’d like to drop by.

Say hello!

We’ve also been busy pitching, winning and onboarded four new clients from the incredible Yorkshire business scene. Say hello to Diamik Glass, Smart Construction, Verus Construction and The Luxury Food Collective. We’re already working on some exciting campaigns and we’ll share more soon.

PR for everyone

Did you know you don’t need to be a full client of ours to work with us? We know PR doesn’t suit every budget, but that doesn’t mean every budget can’t suit PR! We launched our completely unique Your Entry into PR package for small businesses and charities after months of hard work, and we’re really proud to say the results are incredible. We’ve supported local charity, Smart Works to really utilise the stories it has, and it’s been a brilliant experience we can’t wait to have more of.

Was Tynemouth ready for us?

What do you get when you take a team of PR women out of town and give them a beach and a spade? Sandcastles, sea swims and an incredible fish dinner for our best away day yet! Not even the rain or dark clouds could dampen our spirit!

New recruits...and you?

Our team is growing as fast as our workload! Introducing Beth (Account Manager), Cara (Account Director) and Grace (PR intern) to the team. Look out for their Meet the Team blogs soon.

There’s still (just!) a bit more desk space at Lucky North HQ. Do you think it could have your name on it? We’re on the search for an Account Manager and Account Executive. If you think you’d fit in, and you’ve got the PR skills reserved for the very best, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

Coverage, coverage, coverage

It’s the first question on everyone’s lips at a pitch or intro – how much coverage can you get us? The answer? We secured literally hundreds of pieces for our clients this summer, including some highly regarded interview opportunities, including the Sunday Times and a host of regional and national stories. A well-deserved pat on the back all-round, we think.

Last but not least...

It’s here at last, the Lucky North newsletter! Get our updates and inside scoop straight to your inbox every month so you don’t miss out. Let us know where you’d like to receive it here.


Want more info on our Entry into PR package? Find everything you need here.