Meet the team Beth Pearson, Account Manager

The Lucky North team has grown exponentially since our early days, so it was definitely time to introduce a new face in the blog. Beth Pearson is our new account manager and one-time extreme camper. 

Find out why she decided to take to a tent in 94mph winds! 

What's your proudest PR moment?

‌I love the kind of PR work that makes journalists sit up and listen. We delivered 16 pieces of coverage in a week for Diamik Glass to get their first case study off the ground and it has to be one of my proudest moments. We worked hard to secure the story and crafted a really compelling pitch that started their upward growth trajectory and exposure to new potential customers. 

What would be your dream brand to work with?

I love music and the chance to combine my knowledge of it with my work, so working with a brand in the music space such as a venue here in Leeds would be a dream! First Direct, are you listening? 

What do you think the future of PR looks like?

I think as the use and capabilities of AI grows and the general mistrust of the media manifests into that, the need for genuine people behind news and storytelling will increase. PRs and journalists need to work together more than ever before to deliver meaningful, trustworthy editorial.

I also think as digital PR becomes the new 'normal', PRs need to understand the ever-changing landscape of digital writers, editors and journalists and the type of content they need. This will in turn fulfil their clients’ needs with backlinks and SEO performance.

What's the most insane thing you've ever had to do for work?

When I was a journalist and the trend of naming national storms was starting, I camped out during Storm Doris and 94mph wind to 'live report' the weather updates. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it...

What's your favourite thing about your job?

Ooh, it's a toss up between writing press releases and mentoring colleagues! I am a writer at heart, so I love the process of teasing out newshooks from stories and subsequently writing the release, but I also love sharing knowledge and coaching other members of the team. It’s brilliant to see junior colleagues rise up to their potential. 

What's your favourite word or emoji?

Can I say 'woof'? Versatile, full of depth and different meanings.

If not I'd say 'chuffed'!


Cutting through the noise


Earned vs paid media