Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

The power of trade publications in PR

You think of PR, and you think of national news stories. On the surface, that’s what makes a great campaign – widespread recognition and big numbers talking about your story. But dig a little deeper and under every campaign plan is the need to get a precise audience looking at you.

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

Cutting through the noise

Did you know, journalists receive about 100 business-related emails a day? According to research, the people we’re pitching news stories to could already have had their fill by mid-morning, so how do we cut through the noise and ensure our story gets seen?

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

Meet the team Beth Pearson, Account Manager

The Lucky North team has grown exponentially since our early days, so it was definitely time to introduce a new face in the blog. Beth Pearson is our new account manager and one-time extreme camper.

Find out why she decided to take to a tent in 94mph winds!

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

Earned vs paid media

We see ads everywhere we look, constantly. From the moment we check our phones for the first time each day we have targeted, paid content staring us in the face. Head out of the door and we’re swamped with ads everywhere from the side of the local bus, digital billboards on the high street, at the start of our favourite podcasts and on every train carriage.

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

KPIs, ROI and PR

If you’ve ever read a PR campaign report, you’ll have seen acronyms like KPI, AVE and ROI. We can break these down into everyday language for a clear understanding we might share with some audiences, but the facts remain the same – successful PR is being measured in static ways.

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

What is thought leadership?

Thought leadership is often mistaken for being exclusively long form articles with depth, detail, and crucially, content that takes lots of research to curate, but it doesn’t have to be the case. Thought leadership can take any form that allows you to demonstrate your credibility, knowledge and expertise.

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

Lucky North celebrates year on year growth

Leeds-based PR agency Lucky North has shown specialist skills are the way to a fast-growing business, reporting a record financial performance for the year ending 31 December 2023.

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

Stuck trying to tell your story? Five unspoken things PRs do

We know it’s common to think of PR as getting you in the press with a story we’ve curated for you, but have you ever wondered what else there is to it? PRs work tirelessly behind the scenes to make your story a success, but what does that include, exactly? Here are five things we do to make PR your no-brainer comms priority.

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

Meet the team Kiran Watson, Director

Over the last few months, we’ve introduced the team in our blog series. Underpinning the daily effort to put our clients in the spotlight is the foundation of building Lucky North and creating the most recommended PR agency in the north. That wouldn’t be possible without Co-Founder and Director, Kiran Watson. Let’s hear what she’s learned in her PR journey.

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

That’s how to do educational PR (and pick up an award for it!)

We’re award winners! A little while ago, we told Prolific North about our campaign to make Composite Prime the most talked about eco-outdoor flooring company in Yorkshire. We knew this campaign was strong when we planned it, we knew it was strong when it reached 2.5m people, but we were still taken by surprise when we won!

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

Plan your PR for 2024 in 5 easy steps 

In a world where we scroll through more content than we can take in each day, deeper comms like PR is showing its strength. When you need a message to not only get seen, but get understood and remembered, PR is your best friend. If it’s something you want to get on top of in 2024, but you’re not sure where to start, here’s our fail-safe guide to getting started.

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

An autumn update

Is it really October already? Faster than you can say ‘pumpkin spice, summer has vanished and left us with the chance to reflect on all that happened over the last few months. It’s time for a catch-up…

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

Meet the team Alicia Jacob, Account Executive

Alicia Jacob (Liss to us and her friends!) is our newest Account Executive at Lucky North. Liss has been with us on an internship and blew us away with her skills and intuition for PR, so when the time came for her to level up, we weren’t going to let her go to anyone else!

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

Is AI in the future of PR?

Since AI tools appeared online, people in all industries have rushed to test them out, mostly under the guise of being able to save a lot of time. But like all things, surely time saving alone is too good to be true?

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

Meet the team Lucy Baird, Director

This month, we’re chatting to Lucy Baird about her first steps in the world of PR, and what it means to be running an agency in 2023.

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

Why your stakeholders need to see your PR wins

When we start working with a brand for the first time, we immerse ourselves in it. We’re so committed to this, we spend a month working directly with the company, until we’re confident we’ve left no stone unturned.

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

Meet the team Lottie Ireland, Account Executive

This month, we’re chatting to our wonderful Account Executive, Lottie Ireland. In Lottie’s books, nothing beats results for clients. But if a campaign provides the chance for a local area to shine too, that’s the icing on the cake – that, and a great team experience!

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

How to do PR for your business

What do you picture when you think of a PR office? Phones ringing off the hook, eyes glued to the news for spotting coverage and opportunities? It might surprise you that a typical day at Lucky North is much more varied than that. In fact, content planning alone can cover anything up to 14 different items, from press releases to case studies and exclusive features.

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