Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

7 top PR trends for 2023

Whenever we think about the world of PR, it’s important to remember it’s just one piece of a much bigger picture. In the UK, that looks like an ongoing recession, increased digital development and quite a weird time for employment.

So how does PR fit in, and what will change in 2023?

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

PR in an unstable economy

After seeing the pound fall off a cliff, it’s easy to feel like we should react quickly – but what does this look like? Acting from a place of panic doesn’t serve anyone, especially your customers. Just like any business planning, operating in a challenging economy should be well thought out and future-proof.

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

How important is local PR coverage?

Let us take you back to March 2020 for a moment. At the start of the pandemic, when we were able to see the number of Covid cases in our area, we became a bit obsessed as a nation with checking these numbers daily. How many cases were in our region, city, or even on our own street?

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

The power of broadcast PR

“76% of UK adults don’t think it’s safe to put a loved one in a care home now.” That’s the stat we worked with in 2020, to support a client in the (you guessed it) residential care home sector.

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

What should you expect from your PR agency?

If you haven’t dipped your toe into the world of PR before, it can be a bit of a mystery. What will you get from an agency, exactly? How do you know if you’re working with experts or not? Maybe you’ve worked with an agency before, and it wasn’t what you expected.

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

Why good PR is just as important as a digital strategy

We know how it goes. Your SEO expert will tell you SEO is vital to your marketing. Your ad manager will tell you your ad campaign is absolutely essential. Your social media exec will tell you content is the priority.

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Lucy Baird Lucy Baird

What a difference a year makes.

A year ago, Kiran and I (Lucy) were sitting at my kitchen table, surrounded by sheets of paper, trying to make a brand out of post-it notes. Never did we imagine that we’d be where we are now – it feels like we’ve fitted five years of work into one!

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