What do you think the future of PR looks like?

We asked our team as part of our new blog series.

What do you get when you take one PR agency, a set of nosy questions and a chance to get to know the team?

Kittens, tractors, and Gyles Brandreth if you’re anything like Lucky North!

This month, we’re chatting to our brilliant Senior Account Manager, Jenny Marston. Jenny is Lucky North’s first employee since the original team formed in 2019, and we think she’s a bit of a PR star, so we had to show her off!

Let’s dive in…

What's your proudest PR moment?

I have a lot of proud PR moments, and the job is so varied that they come in many different forms. I still get excited when a piece of coverage lands for a client - over the years I've worked hard to hone my coverage dance.

A very recent proud PR moment was working on a whistleblowing case with the employment team at Blacks Solicitors. I worked with the team and their client to raise the profile of their mistreatment at the hands of Greater Manchester Police. They had been mistreated for flagging the fact that gun licences were being given out to people who shouldn't have had firearms.

I secured six pieces of national coverage including with The Telegraph, Yahoo! News, and ITV News, and one piece of regional coverage with key paper The Manchester Evening News. Two interview opportunities with The Times and The Independent are currently ongoing.

It was an honour to be involved with something so meaningful and to give the clients the opportunity to speak out about their experience and to hold GMP accountable. It’s one of those times where you can see the true value of PR and the difference it can make!

What would be your dream brand to work with?

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love animals (some might say it borders on obsession - the team are sick of me going on about my new kitten). I'd therefore say that any brand that would give me the chance to hang out with animals for the day would be a dream - the RSPCA or Chester Zoo spring to mind!

What do you think the future of PR looks like?

Digital in terms of connections - since Covid more people (and I don't think this is restricted to PR) are using email rather than speaking on the phone. I miss the days where you could pick up the phone and pretty much guarantee that someone would answer you.

However, in terms of news outlets, I think it's important that as an industry we don't just restrict ourselves to online. Radio, TV and print continue to be very trusted forms of media that are great platforms when used in the right way.

What's the most insane thing you've ever had to do for work?

Probably getting to have a meal with Gyles Brandreth while inaugurating a new teddy bear into the Newby Hall Bear House - one of my claims to fame!

Filming one of the Stray FM presenters driving a tractor for a Facebook Live while PRing a tractor festival was also one of the more surreal moments of my career.

What's your favourite thing about your job?

I can't stick to just one, sorry!

It's got to be the variety - despite working in an office, no two days are the same, which is also what makes it so hard to actually explain what someone in PR does. I never get bored because I never know what's going to come my way - from a sell-in, to a campaign proposal or pitching for new business, there's always something exciting going on.

Another favourite is also the people of course! PR is well known as a very friendly and sociable career (you’ve seen all the stereotypes of PRs out having a bevvy with clients, teammates or journos!). I work with such a variety of people, from my fantastic team to our lovely clients and journalists, and I'm always having conversations with someone new or different. It keeps things interesting, and I've learnt so much from the various people that I've met and spoken to since starting my career.

What's your favourite word or emoji?

👀 👀 👀

A little bit creepy for sure, but where would we be if we weren't constantly monitoring the news, PR campaigns and our clients for approvals?


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