Meet the team Kiran Watson, Director

Over the last few months, we’ve introduced the team in our blog series. Underpinning the daily effort to put our clients in the spotlight is the foundation of building Lucky North and creating the most recommended PR agency in the north.

That wouldn’t be possible without Co-Founder and Director, Kiran Watson. Let’s hear what she’s learned in her PR journey.

Since you and Lucy founded Lucky North in 2019 you’ve gone from strength to strength, is that what the journey has felt like to you?

I’m a big believer in destiny and that your path to get there can take you on any number of routes, so I don’t really see strengths and failures, just steppingstones in the right direction.

When PR agency, Brass closed its doors a few years ago, Lucy and I were facing redundancy. It could have been really tough but she turned to me and said, “I’ve got a plan”. We spent that night talking about our future together over a KFC and bottle of wine and Lucky North was set up the following Monday.

When we started growing the Lucky North team we put a lot of time into finding the right people. It wasn’t instant but that investment has no doubt got us to where we are now. It all comes from my relationship with Lucy – there’s no one I’ve worked with better in any role I’ve had, and we really wanted to expand on that positive collaboration throughout the team. Our conversations to build plans for the future are the best investment I could ask for.

It sounds like it was meant to be. Do you think you would have felt any differently earlier in your career if you could have known what was coming?

When I was 21, I was facing a decision between PR and teaching. I wish I could have known how much PR was a really good opportunity. It was the biggest decision I’d made at that point. You can change your mind over lots of things, but it feels much bigger at the time. I was really motivated but I wish I could tell myself not to question working hard too. The culture in PR was different back then – there was a lot of expectation to put in long hours, but I’d tell myself it’s worth it.

Do you have a daily routine or practice that supports your work life?

The walk home from the school run each morning gives me this great chance to plan my day. It’s only ten minutes but that time to myself brings a deep sense of motivation, it really helps. It’s like a short mindfulness session just for me – I look at my diary, list my priorities and get in the headspace for a positive start.

Who has influenced your career?

My mum died when I was 12 and there’s no doubt it changes how you look at things. Grief at different stages has become something I can see positively to support me through challenges and opportunities. It’s encouraging - I’m fired up to provide for my family and make every day something really positive, but it’s all from a place of hard work and inspiration.

Tell us something about you that would surprise people.

I really enjoy bird watching! I think it provides a great escape, a chance to quiet the mind after a busy day – especially in PR when so much of the job involves talking and interacting, it’s nice to do something totally different.

When you’re an employee you can switch off at the end of the day but as a co-founder you need more methods to relax. I noticed how much I enjoyed bird watching around the same time as we founded Lucky North, so I use it as a regular form of escapism now.

I was really chuffed with the new office and its big windows. I thought I’d be able to combine work with some bird watching but all we get are pigeons!

What does success look like to you?

A happy team and happy clients. It’s not all about monetary success. I believe everyone should enjoy work - we spend so much of our life doing it, so when everyone is finding it enjoyable it really makes me proud that we’re building something great with Lucky North.

Want to hear more from Kiran? Why not say hello.


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