That’s how to do educational PR (and pick up an award for it!)

We’re award winners! A little while ago, we told Prolific North about our campaign to make Composite Prime the most talked about eco-outdoor flooring company in Yorkshire. We knew this campaign was strong when we planned it, we knew it was strong when it reached 2.5m people, but we were still taken by surprise when we won!

Since launching Lucky North in 2020, we’ve had one clear mission: make our clients famous. It’s only recently that we’ve taken stock of all that we’ve achieved and turned our attention inward too, so immediately winning an award off the back of that was incredible!

In true Lucky North fashion though, let’s focus on the campaign. What made it such a success? Here’s what we did:

  1. We layered our audiences

    Our target audience was homeowners in the UK. We profiled them and understood many would be families with school age children, immediately offering us a chance to expand our target audience into multiple groups that created a completely organic word of mouth strategy. We launched a campaign that would involve primary schools by offering them a ready-to-use educational project that teachers could understand, implement and communicate to school children. By creating an element of community involvement, children took the message home and were excited to involve their families and neighbours. The end listener? Our target audience.

  2. We played to our strengths

    We promised from day one of Lucky North that our sole focus was PR. We don’t distract ourselves with additional services, so that we can offer the very best of what we do. This gives us the opportunity to partner with complementary organisations to produce campaigns that tick more than one box, while everyone stays in their lane of expertise. We partnered with We Are Futures, part of the National Schools Partnership Group, and created an opportunity to combine a fun, educational competition with an incentive for schools to be awarded with the Eco Schools Green Flag Award.

  3. Simple, strong messaging

Everyone consumes plastic. We can’t get away from it. Asking people to take notice and collect as many plastic bottle tops as they could (half a million!) to reuse in creative and eco ways allowed us to relay the primary message from our client – eco-materials as a quality product. Multiple generations were able to understand and enjoy the process of reusing plastic for good (check out the giant jellyfish!), and understand the mission of our client, Composite Prime.

Great PR comes from simple foundations to create effective campaigns. We’re so thankful that others recognised what we achieved here and Prolific North crowned us with the award for Best Education Campaign.

You can read the full Composite Prime case study here.

Not all PR has to be about selling stories to the media. Here, we showcased alternative ways to communicate key messages that still worked really well for the client. If this has caught your attention and got you wondering if your business could participate in something similar, why not get in touch for a chat?


Meet the team Kiran Watson, Director


Plan your PR for 2024 in 5 easy steps