Stuck trying to tell your story? Five unspoken things PRs do

We know it’s common to think of PR as getting you in the press with a story we’ve curated for you, but have you ever wondered what else there is to it? PRs work tirelessly behind the scenes to make your story a success, but what does that include, exactly?

Here are five things we do to make PR your no-brainer comms priority.

  1. Prep you for success

    Our job is to get people talking about you – a lot! But the effect of this is often a huge lift in web traffic and other increases in interest, and while this is a good thing, you need to be prepared for it. We’ll support you to ensure your online presence is fit for purpose, able to lead over the competition and suggest specific actions to take to benefit from the added attention PR will bring.

  2. Position you as experts

    Often, a PR campaign will involve pushing our own content out to chosen media. Sometimes though, they come to us first, because they know we have exactly what they need. Regularly in media features, a journalist will include expert commentary – whether it’s a pre-planned article with research time or a breaking story, expertise can elevate a story by miles, and that’s where you come in.

    With our media training and relationship building, we can have you prepped and ready to provide quotes, data, or just your informed opinion on a relevant story to the media that reaches your audience. It’s incredibly valuable and almost impossible to achieve without dedicated PR.

  3. Work on your business, even when we’re not working with you

    For years before you partner with us, we’ve created long-lasting and valuable relationships with the media across every sector you can think of, all so we have the ultimate basis for successful PR before you even begin. Once you come along and choose PR as your comms strategy, we’ll expand on what we already know to position you with a unique media network perfect for your business.

  4. Partner with complementary services

    Know you need PR but really want digital too? No problem! We’re PR specialists, but we partner with others to give you the full service offering that fills your needs and brings you the whole comms picture you’re looking for. And yes, some agencies might do it all under one roof, but we firmly believe in the power of specialising to ensure the people working on your business are true experts in the area they’re delivering.

  5. Create the perfect comms matrix for your unique position

    Did you know we list 11 complementary services that make up our skilled and dedicated PR offering? We want to get you in front of your target audience, but the ways we do that might not always be the ones you immediately think of. Big media campaign going on? Let’s look at stakeholder engagement and internal comms while we’re at it, and keep every audience on the same page. Need crisis management? (Everyone hopes not, but the sensible ones have it ready anyway.) Let’s carry out some media training too.

Whatever position your business is in and whatever your goals may be, know that a great PR agency will be thinking two steps ahead to make your work as successful as possible.

If this has got you wondering what PR could look like for your business, take a look at our service range here.


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