Three’s a Crowd

Build trust and excitement with a venue’s cult following

The story

Not just any old takeover

Three’s a Crowd is an established gastropub with links to the prestigious Michelin label.

When the Harrogate-originated brand asked us to help convert a venue’s cult following into a loyal audience that supported their mission, we knew we had a challenge on our hands. Luckily, we love a challenge and couldn’t wait to get started.

It was important for everyone to identify reassurance as a top priority in this campaign. A three-tier press plan allowed us to communicate answers to a loyal audience’s questions, including staff retention, aims of the takeover and what the future holds for this industry-leading venture.

The second and third parts of the campaign surrounded opening reservations and supporting the team with a successful launch.

Over 100 key media and high-reaching local influencers were invited to gather for the brand’s launch event, allowing the opportunity to sample the atmosphere and support our campaign to communicate the exciting future the gastropub promised.

The chain reported a ROI of 836% for this campaign, demonstrating the immense value of PR and the pull of a local campaign, giving it an Advertising Value Equivalent of just under £30k. Cheers to that!

Could you see yourself celebrating results like these, perhaps over a gastro meal and glass of your favourite? Let’s talk about how to get you there and your options when it comes to PR.


Key results

Average 11 pieces monthly

10 million per month

20+ consecutive weeks of an increase in sales since activity began

Work with us?

If your brand would enjoy the Lucky North touch, don’t hesitate to drop us a message today.


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