Heavenly Feet

Always-on PR for a brand putting their best foot forward

The story

A stylish footwear choice for women who value household names

Heavenly Feet were new to PR when they came to us, so we wanted to show them our work from all angles. We combined press placements in the form of product news, launches, competitions and forward features with reactive newsjacking and media monitoring. This let Heavenly Feet become a trusted supplier for journalists in the fashion and lifestyle sectors and let them know we were really here to make an impact.

We exceeded our coverage targets by 120% with an average of eleven pieces monthly, reaching an average of 10 million people every 30 days. It’s fair to say Heavenly Feet were thrilled with these results, and we went on to secure 20+ consecutive weeks of an increase in sales since activity began.

Our coverage highlights included Prima, Good Housekeeping, Express & Star, Cosmopolitan and Pick Me Up! as well as securing a styling opportunity for actress Meera Syal on the red carpet for the Olivier Awards.

Our client wanted a strong brand awareness campaign that delivered tangible results. The increase in sales demonstrated the value in PR, with a huge pick up in online traffic too and an influx of unique users.

We love working with clients new to PR for this reason. It lets us deep dive into the powers a good campaign can harness, and really show off – to the client and its audience!

With results these good to start us off, we can’t wait to see where the coming months take us. The whole team now has a new favourite payday treat too!

What could 10 million pairs of eyes do for your brand each month? Want to find out? We’d love to explore this with you!


Key results

Average 11 pieces monthly

10 million per month

20+ consecutive weeks of an increase in sales since activity began

Work with us?

If your brand would enjoy the Lucky North touch, don’t hesitate to drop us a message today.


Three's a Crowd

