Composite Prime

Creating an eco-future for the next generation

The story


Support Composite Prime in becoming a household name and demonstrate how its eco credentials is putting tomorrow’s world first.

Our clients often want to know how many people they’ll reach with PR. Quality and quantity go hand in hand in our campaigns, and we knew we were onto something golden with the bottle top campaign.

But how do you take something as rubbish as a bottle top and turn it into a tool to reach 785 schools, 845 teachers, 110,432 pupils and almost 200,000 parents and guardians.

That’s exactly what we did for Composite Prime, the leading eco-outdoor flooring company in Yorkshire. Over a quarter of a million target customers heard about the brand and it’s USP with one campaign. That’s not all though - through a secondary audience we created genuine excitement to be involved. Want to know how we did it? Read on!

By partnering with We Are Futures, part of the National Schools Partnership Group, we created an opportunity to combine a fun, educational competition with an incentive for schools to be awarded with the Eco Schools Green Flag Award.

This provided the chance to reach hundreds of thousands of pupils, teachers and parents, all informed of the fantastic work Composite Prime is doing in eco materials to get it right for the next generation.

The campaign allowed schools to explore recycling, whilst covering citizenship, maths, art and science. Interactive resources allowed pupils to explore waste artists, as well as the origins of Composite Prime products.

This introduced children, teachers and families to Composite Prime, driving awareness of its brand and products.

Families and communities worked together to understand what reusable treasures are being thrown away every week. As part of the challenge, they collected as many plastic bottle tops as they could and turned them into artwork for their school.

Why did it work?

The competition excited children with an interactive and creative project, taking knowledge home to families (and Composite Prime’s key audience). It allowed the company to become front of mind for households considering upgrading their gardens.

The campaign included a combination of email marketing, social media and PR activity. The core outreach encompassed 2.5 million pupils and 4 million parents across 21,000 primary schools in its first year.

By the end of the campaign’s second year, school participation rose by 48%. Teachers loved the competition as much as the school children! Feedback included:

“It has been a brilliant project that teachers, children and the wider community have been involved in - not just creating the artwork but learning about the impact of plastic in our seas…..Thank you for organising this competition”.

“This was a wonderful competition to be a part of and we will be taking part again next year if possible!”.

We can’t wait to see what year three brings. Hopefully even more giant bottle top jellyfish!


Key results

Over 2.5 million people reached across the UK

Almost half a million plastic bottle tops collected

223 entries to the competition

Partner with us?

We’d love to chat about making your next campaign as successful this for Composite Prime.


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