Public Policy Projects

Evidence-led benefits of technology in healthcare show a shift in attitudes

The story

Creating a culture shift to accept and celebrate technology’s part in the future of healthcare

Healthcare is experiencing a monumental shift, there’s no denying it. Technology is constantly evolving and offering potential solutions, but people need evidence and support to pair the question with the answer. By pushing the State of the Nation report into the right spaces, we aligned innovation and solutions with the audiences that can make things happen to create a purpose-driven campaign bursting with potential.

At Lucky North, launching industry reports is something we’ve got a ton of practice with, especially in the health sector, so when it came to February’s State of the Nation report, we felt confident securing coverage with media we knew well.

This report had huge potential to generate a psychological and cultural shift and create a true healthcare system which invests in and benefits from technology.

Our experience told us we could target three audience groups with this report – policy makers, implementers (including government and trade publications) and external stakeholders. We identified press hooks for each of these groups and knew exactly why each audience type would feel the importance of this report. This let us start conversations with the right people in a way that immediately caught their attention.

We secured top tier press attendance to the report’s virtual launch, including The Daily Express, The Times, Telegraph, The Observer and The Economist. This secured national and trade coverage, plus op-ed pieces with The Times Radio and ConHome, reaching 993,000 people.

The sell-in of the report came at a time when health news was prominent. Coverage of Covid, the NHS and Prince Philip dominated the media’s attention, making difficult competition. Despite this, we secured a great amount of coverage, spanning national and trade publications, reaching 1.7 million people.

The campaign let us return to the creators of the report with two recommendations:

  1. Establish an ‘always on’ press office to make the most of more opportunities for coverage

  2. Implement an even more specialised approach to key reports through the year


Key results

17 pieces of coverage with references directly to Public Policy Projects in 100% of cases

Work with us?

Do you create industry reports or want to know how your organisation could benefit from one? Chat to us today and we’ll let you in on what it could do for you.




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